View Full Version : 2016 Civil 3D Structure Profile Block display scale as drawing scale

Trevor Deleske
2017-01-26, 09:13 PM
Hello, In Civil 3D Settings for Structure style I have set the Profile Structure to Display as block and provided my own block,
based on the settings I see for size options, I set it to Use drawing scale, I was expecting the blocks to scale with the profile label text when the annotation scale changes because I want to use like it as a symbol.
in fact none of the settings for size seem to do anything when I change them.
Am I expecting it to do something it was not designed to or is it just not working right?
I have attached the drawing and picture of what settings I am changing if anyone wants to take a look.



2017-01-27, 01:12 AM
The intention was for blocks used in structure styles would stretch to fit the shape of a structure in the profile's vertical exaggerated view and reshape as structure dimensions change. So, the resizing problem is in the block. Edit the block and set the 'scale uniformly' property to NO. It should now re-scale as the drawing scale changes, however, now your circular block looks like a vertical ellipse due to the profile's exaggerated vertical scale. You can counteract this by editing the structure style's X and Y scale. (x=1.0, y=0.2)