View Full Version : 3d section box wont work with existing conditions

2005-03-28, 07:36 PM
I'm working on the first rennovation project i've done in revit. thus far i've mostly entered existing conditons. when i try to adjust the 3d section box, the only elements that are cut are the new parts. I understand that revit wont create accurate sections of the existing conditions, but i'd like to be able to see inside my model.

is there an adjustment i can make to the phase settings to allow the section?

2005-03-28, 08:04 PM
what version are you on? the section box, starting in 7.0 should cut everything (existing or new) in every type of view. Pre 7.0 it will only cut when you are in shaded mode (not hidden line or wireframe) but should still cut both existing and new.

if this is not it, a picture of what you're seeing might help...

2005-03-28, 08:15 PM
thanks. i knew it would be something simple. i didn't have it in shaded mode.