View Full Version : 2015 Stairs overhead still showing as solid line.

2017-02-16, 08:51 PM
Like the title says, my stairs are still showing as a solid line above the cut plane. I have gone into VG and overridden the line type to dashed and it is still showing up as a solid line. When I highlight the stairs it is showing as dashed though. Is there something I am missing?


2017-02-16, 09:11 PM
you could use the modify linetypes to change what you need. i have not had this problem before.

2017-02-21, 01:50 PM
Use the linework tool, select 'by category' and click on the lines that are supposed to be dashed. It sounds like someone previously used the linework tool to make them solid and that's why the VG settings are not changing anything