View Full Version : 2017 Revit- Topography

2017-02-16, 11:05 PM
Im very new to Revit. How do I update building foot print in the Topo Mass Model to show it correctly on the floor plan?
To give you a background, the site is contoured with a portion of the ground level digging onto the earth.
When I place the building on the site however, the portion of the building that digs into the ground should show the poche in plan. I don't see that happening!!!!
As a temporary fix, I added a field region with INVISIBLE lines and EARTH pattern over the area of missing cut earth pattern.

Any tips on this?

Thank you!

2017-02-17, 12:16 AM
Not sure if this answers you question exactly but just a couple of thoughts -

Experiment with visibility settings. Note you should probably be looking at both toposurface and site visibilities. Also viewing a 3D view helps you see things better as you turn them on & off and then apply that change to say the floor plan view (or personally I would have site and toposurface things only visible on site plan views as I personally make my floor plan only of the house.)

Notice when you hover over the pad you will probably be highlighting the toposurface and pad while if you press tab you can select just the pad.

Revit is not really good for site works but it does the basic job although you need to experiment. Depending on how involved you want to be with earthworks / siteworks look at Eaglepoint Siteworks for Revit. It is for a price and is not perfect but is pretty good. It can do berms / batters etc and all sorts of custom earthworks and calculate volumes etc. I gave feedback for years about improvements for earthworks but nothing was ever done - I guess it is all comes down to money.

2017-02-24, 01:43 AM
Thank you so much!!