View Full Version : Changing Ceiling Height to be exposed
2005-03-28, 09:30 PM
I have a exposed ceinling in my building but my schedlue will not allow me to put (EXP) instead of 9'-0" which it defaults to. Where do I change this automaticly filled field at. It seems to be coming from my spaces but I cant not change it.
2005-03-29, 04:35 AM
You would need to remove the automatic property set from the schedule and add a manual based one to the schedule that adds >EXT< based on your space object type.
2005-03-29, 05:48 PM
Or, keep the automatic property, create a manual property with a default value you would never want to use in a schedule and a formula property. Set up the formula property to look at the value in the manual property - if it is the default value, return the value of the automatic property; if it is not the default value, return the manual property value. Then use the formula property for scheduling and tags.
If you are using imperial units, you will find creating an unformatted automatic property, then applying the desired feet-inches format to the formula property works best.
2005-03-30, 09:47 PM
Your ceiling will always have a height as long as there is a horizontal surface above the room, whether the surface is a suspended ceiling, a drywall ceiling, or the underside of a slab. The location for "EXP" is in the material or finish column in the schedule.
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