View Full Version : HELP can't set up worksets!!!

2005-03-29, 02:07 AM
I have got to get this project set up in worksets so I can get some help to finish it on time. When I hit the Worksets button, I get the dialog box about putting grids and levels in one workset, and then everything else moving to another workset. When I hit OK, it just sits there with the hourglass mouse pointer. Eventually the windows title bar will say Not Responding, at which point I have to go into the list of running processes and actually stop the Revit.exe process manually.

I thought it was because it's a big project file, but then I opened a blank project, drew 4 walls, and tried to start Worksets, but it did the same thing. Need help please!!!

2005-03-29, 02:15 AM
...Not Responding, at which point I have to go into the list of running processes and actually stop the Revit.exe process manually...
How long are you letting it run? Revit will show a "not responding" message even though it is cranking away when doing major work like setting up worksets and rendering. So maybe you aren't letting it run long enough?

Wild shot in the dark...but, what are your graphics settings under Settings>Options then graphics tab? Are either of the Video Card Capabilities check boxes selected? You might try unchecking an trying again. We have had strange behavior from time to time when these are checked and our Video cards don't support them well enough.

2005-03-29, 02:30 AM
Well I tried again, and it looks like it's not doing anything, but the CPU timer next to Revit.exe in the process list is steadily plugging away... it's up to 10 minutes now, about how long since I opened the program just awhile ago.

But I'm going to have to stop it for now so I can keep working on the project... I guess I'll start the worksets thing and let it run overnight. Who woulda thought that merely setting up worksets would have to be an overnight operation.

This particular project file is up over 15 MB right now :o

2005-03-29, 02:42 AM
...Who woulda thought that merely setting up worksets would have to be an overnight operation....This particular project file is up over 15 MB right now...Some folks have project templates bigger than that. It shouldn't take very long to do but I have had a project take 5-10 minutes before. I can't say why but every project is a little different perhaps? If you run it over night and it isn't done when you get in the next day. Contact support to send them the file to examine. If you have time, do it tonight before you leave.

Also, had another thought, do you have any or a lot of dwgs linked into the project? You might remove them first to see it has anything to do with it?

2005-03-29, 01:19 PM
Did you check your hardware accelleration as Steve asked? Its amazing how many bugs we've had that turn out to be gone when we turn off hardware accelleration.

We were having crashes with reloading and exporting dwgs, turn off hdwr accell. problems go away.

A 15mb file is very small in the revit world and should only take 2- 5 min. max to convert to worksets.

What kind of computers are you running?

2005-04-01, 03:50 AM
I too had a similar issue. The work set creation was long and would either crash or complete with an error message. The issue came down to a bug involving issued revisions in the revision settings. With the revisions all set to " not issued" it worked.

However this wouldn;t explain the problem with a blank project providing a similar problem.