View Full Version : Sheet problem?

2005-03-29, 08:17 AM
Good Day everyone,
If i place a plan on a sheet then later revise the sheet then again i want to place the same plan on the sheet,i can't place unless i duplicate the plan,is there any way where we can place multiple revised plans on the same or muliple sheet without duplicating the plans.

2005-03-29, 08:29 AM
Revit allows multiple copies of the same legend or schedule, but enforces only one copy of the one plan. elevation, section , drafting and 3D views.

So , you must duplicate plans, elevations, sections, drafting and 3D views if you want more than one copy on your sheets.

2005-03-29, 12:59 PM
is there any way where we can place multiple revised plans on the same or muliple sheet without duplicating the plans.

Are you by any chance looking for design options?

2005-03-29, 03:30 PM
If it were possible to place a copy of the same view. They would be perfectly identical, you would not see what was previous and what has been revised, they would both be revised.