View Full Version : 2017 Disappearing Smart Walls

2017-04-21, 03:13 PM
Hi everyone,
I was wondering if anyone knew the answer to my problem. I am doing a floor layout in Autocad Architecture, and when i switch back and forth from Paperspace to Model the smart walls seem to either disappear or not join properly and fade away. Sometimes if i type REGEN it shows back up but that is rare.

Any suggestions? I attached a picture to show you what i mean...

2017-04-23, 07:56 PM
It is hard to tell from just an image. Is this all new construction, or could there be a Wall or Walls in the area where the gap occurs that are on a layer that is turned off or frozen, that are in the same Wall Cleanup Group as the Walls that are visible? Freezing/turning off a Layer does not prevent Wall Cleanup. Another possibility: are all of the Walls in this file modeled in this same file, or are there external references with Walls? Clipping an external reference will not prevent the Walls beyond the clip from trying to cleanup with other Walls, if the Wall Cleanup Definition permits cleanup between and external reference and the host file.

If neither of those are the issue here, replying back and attaching a sample file (or files, if external references are involved) would help us help you sort this out.