View Full Version : 2018 A360 C4R Entitlements?

2017-04-26, 08:14 PM
This probably isn't the right place for this question, but I don't see where else to post it.

We're a consulting company. We don't do much in the way of design or modeling. We tell others (usually, our client) what they should design. We don't have Revit yet. However, one of our clients is trying to work collaboration differently for a particular project and has told us all we need to get "A360 C4R Entitlements". What is that? How do I get that? Is there a cost?

We haven't needed a reseller for a while; we've maintained our licenses for Civil-3d and AutoCAD directly through Autodesk.

Any help would be appreciated.

2017-04-27, 09:09 PM
Autodesk charges a monthly fee by user for Collaboration for Revit, aka A360 C4R entitlements. It is basically a cloud file caching service. You will still have to own Revit to use Collaboration for Revit.

I would go to the Autodesk Collaboration for Revit site for details.

2017-05-01, 03:50 PM
A360 and C4R are 2 separate products.
A360 is a site that you can post things on and publish to. It's kinda like Buzzsaw but not was good (In my opinion)
Recently they just added a cost for the A360 accounts and you're required to have one in order to be invited for the Site.
You can post any file type on the A360 Hub. Cost was rather cheep for hub Access. I think it was going to be like $100/yr or something dirt cheap like that. I think they've actually changed the name to BIM 360 or BIM 360 Team. They keep changing it so I don't know exactly what they are calling it today. Looks like BIM 360 Team runs $120/yr.

C4R is Basically Revit server on the Cloud and will only host revit files. If you're not working in Revit you have no need for a C4R license. The hosting firm needs to publish models for you to the A360 Hub so you can download them. C4R was $100/mth per Seat or $800/yr per seat last I looked.

C4R runs on BIM 360 Team. You can have Team without C4R.

Hope this helps.