View Full Version : 2017 Create multiple gradings from multiple feature lines.

2017-04-27, 02:19 PM
I have a series of 500+ level square foundation bases - which represent building foundation footprints that are to be formed below a rockhead surface.

I currently have all of the foundation footprints defined as 2D polylines set at the correct elevation.

I would now like to create an 80 degree grading (approx 10:1) to a rockhead surface from each of these lines.

I could do them all individually, but it takes about a minute or so, so I would like to do them all at once - does anyone know a way?

*Following on from that, I now need to create a second grading (at 1:1) up to ground level. This needs to start where the first grading meets rockhead.
I intend to do that using the featurelines generated where the first grading hits the rockhead surface, again this will take time so does anyone have any top tips on this 2nd set of gradings too!

Thanks for all and any help.