View Full Version : 2017 Blues lines in 3D Views

2017-07-12, 04:53 PM
So I have a Link in my file and make a 3d view and for some reason blue lines are showing up in the hidden line view setting. I thought it was the analytical parts but i have them all turned off. Do you have any idea what this is? Thanks.

2017-07-21, 11:24 PM
Looks like a cad import to me. Do you have a cad overlay that you imported to draw on top of?

Also check visibility graphics for overrides or filters.

2017-07-24, 11:58 AM
Checked it all. I do not have any cad imports in the model as well. I have another view that shows part of this area and does not show there. Weird.

2017-07-24, 07:14 PM
There are two main ways fro lines to show up as a different color than expected. Either an override or object styles, or in the objects themselves.

From your picture it looks like everything blue is a systems family so it must be an override.

Go through all of the ways an object can be manipulated to find out how it was changed, this is from the knowledge.autodesk.com website:

"There are a number of ways to override the display of an element.

It may not always be clear which method of override takes priority over another method, that is, which method "wins" in determining the display of the element. The following list may not cover every scenario, but it includes some common overrides. (1 is the highest priority and 10 is the lowest priority.)

Linework Tool

Override Graphics in ViewBy ElementHalftone

Graphic Display Options - Silhouette Edges

Override Graphics in ViewBy Element

View Filters

View Depth - Beyond Line Style

Phasing Graphic Overrides

Visibility/Graphic OverridesOverride Host LayersCut Line Styles

Visibility/Graphic OverridesProjection/Cut Lines

Project Object Styles"

If you look through all of that and still have a problem you can forward me the model and I can poke around in it.