View Full Version : 2017 Studs within wall - shaded view

2017-07-17, 02:26 PM
Hi All,

Got a really strange one here - I've used the "Wood Framing Walls" plugin to create studs for some wall types; and created some plan views. In Revit, these all look great; however when printing these views, some of the studs are "hatched" white with a black cross (as I'd like them), whereas some of them are transparent with a black cross. The transparency allows the green hatch (to represent acoustic insulation) to show through - not what I'd like.

In attempting to investigate further, I added a detail component to my stud framing family, a magenta / pink hatch with a cross. When importing these into the project file, the hatched studs v non-hatched studs match the printed outcome (see screenshot attached).

In summary - all of these studs are the same material / section / family etc. They all have the same properties, they're all cut by the view plane. Can anyone help as to why they are printing / showing differently??

2017-07-20, 01:59 PM
Any one...? Still struggling with this one...:(