View Full Version : 2017 Revit Complex Roof with varying eaves heights and pitches 'Can't make Footprint'

2017-07-23, 08:29 AM

I am considered to be a proficient Revit user to the point that I train our staff at my practice and I am acting Revit/BIM manager.
I teach proper modelling techniques and to date I have not been beaten by Revit and it's peculiarities! That said, this roof has me losing my mind! I created a version using unorthodox editing and piecing roofs together(something I preach against in work and have shown ways to do insane roofs in one piece), this worked but messed up the eaves at the back and was not what I consider a properly modeled element. So I have re set out the roof with maths and equal distances for eaves (still with a low -2625mm offset to the rear of the roof as desired) - see pic attached - However, all is now working as I want it (bar a few intersecting ridge conditions) except the hip I need to the west facing (project N) elevation of the building. No matter what I do the 'can't join, can't make footprint' pops up and shatters my dreams! :shock:
I need this project out in a few days and can't start my sections and construction details until I resolve this. Have tried plumb cut instead of plumb cut 2 etc, nothing works.

I have noticed that when I make any roof with a gable and a hip it does the same if the eaves offset is lower for only 2 of the sides (35d-2000mm,45d-2000mm,35d-0mm)
for example it does the same. It is fine with all 3 at the same minus offset or just 1, but the condition I need is a reduced eaves height to the rear of the building and to the east facing elevation (with a hip) and higher eaves at the front and east facing elevation.
I have done it albeit in a rogue way but this isn't acceptable in practice.
So I am admitting defeat and asking anyone that can solve this to please do so and I would be very grateful. I will upload model if I can (or just the roof) and I will upload pics etc after I post this.
Thanks in advance.