View Full Version : 2016 Font printing strange.

2017-08-09, 03:16 PM
We have run into an issue that is baffling, see attached.

This happened on a few sheets of a large project. Not all sheets printed this way in a batch print, only a few.
Furthermore when printing this and other "messed up" sheets to PDF then reprinting, the font is fine but the PDF cuts off and does not print the full page, even though the preview shows it full.

Changing to raster fixes the problem but is not desirable as it messes up batch printing.

Any suggestions would be appreciated.


2017-08-14, 03:26 PM
In some cases the fonts may not have been loaded into the pdf writer. What PDF writer are you using.
Autodesk has said for a very long time that Revit Doesn't support PDFs.
I'd also like to know who Raster is messing up your batch prints. I've never run into issues with this method. Some times the PDF creator crashed for one reason or another. Or it runs out of ram. I have had issues printing vector a lot. Missing Items, missing hatch, missing tags.... all of these issues were resolved printing Raster.
I don't like the quality I get, but I'd rather have poorer quality than missing objects.
Other workflows I've seen are to print to DWF and then print those as PDFs.

2017-08-14, 04:23 PM
Thanks for the reply David. It went to the printer last week, not my project, but I believe they just printed raster on the few pages "infected".

The image above is not a pdf, it was a snapshot I took of a vector print directly to our plotter. Most of the sheets printed just fine but a few showed up like this. No idea what messed it up.

The pdf problem was something else. The "infected" pages printed to pdf fine (on screen) but printing to the plotter cut the page off.

Weirdness all around.

2017-08-14, 09:39 PM
That last statement makes me think there's something wrong with the pdf install.
When we were using pdf exchange we had to change a setting to make sure the fonts were embedded into the pdf so the plotter could recognize them. If they were they printed all kinds of goofy.

2017-08-15, 02:45 PM
Makes sense. We will investigate. Thanks David.