View Full Version : 2018 Plan region at stairway not displaying correctly

2017-08-14, 07:17 PM
I'm a little rusty and hoping someone can remind me how to get this stairway to display as I want it.
I applied a plan region at the stairway and I would like for all of the stairs above the cut plane to not show. So the walls underneath the stairs are more visible.
When I view the stairs from level 2, (not shown), I would like them to cut off a few steps down from the top.


2017-08-14, 09:43 PM
Stairs if I remember right are a special kind of object.
The cut line doesn't really affect them at all.
You'll need to go into the VG and you can adjust the above breakline and how it displays.
Stairs use a 2d representational graphic and not the actual modeled geometry when displayed in plan/rcp.
Hope this helps.

2017-08-14, 10:46 PM
Thanks David. That did it.

2017-08-17, 03:51 PM
Thanks David. That did it.

There seem to be difficulties getting the reinforced concrete structural thicknesses to display correctly in sections too, where the strings join the landings, and the finishes at the top step adjoining floors especially, where I can't get the last tread to join into the floor surface correctly in section, over-sailing the riser.

Thank you

2017-08-18, 01:48 PM
Uncheck these boxes under Visibility/Graphics and the stairs do not show above the cut line in the view.105582