View Full Version : 2018 Toposurface colours printing as White in 2018

2017-09-13, 03:05 PM
Having upgraded a 2017 project to 2018, whenever we preview or print the Site Plan, the toposurface displays as white despite being shaded in a variety of colours.

Is this a glitch in 2018? I can open the exact same project in 2017 and the colour print and preview fine.

Many thanks for your comments

2017-09-20, 09:06 PM
What is your desired output and how are you getting there? In other words, are you printing to PDF and using Adobe or BlueBeam or other? Or, are you printing to a plotter directly? Just curious, as it might have bearing on a correct answer.

2017-10-13, 01:24 PM
I am having the same problem when using 2018 in general.

Whether I am printing or printing to pdf, using different printers, the topography will print white despite it being shaded on the screen.

The only fix I have is to print with raster processing instead of vector, but this slows down my print time dramatically.