View Full Version : 2016 Help. Curtain panel butt glazed with operable dashed lines
2017-10-04, 09:17 PM
I'm trying to create a curtain wall panel that will butt-glaze when you offset it in front of the mullions, but that I can also add symbolic line work to so it shows in elevation as a ventilated module in the system.
Creating a family from scratch will not work because the panel will never center in the grid itself, it will always indent to the inside of the mullion, even when offset in front of the mullion.
Any solutions?
I'm about to rip my hair out, have wasted SO much time today!
2017-10-05, 04:22 PM
I make all of my own panels from scratch and always get them to move inside or outside of the reference line, so the Panel never centered in the grid I have no idea what you mean by that.
Adding the symbolic line is simple, just need to put it on a plane, both inside and outside of the glass and lock it to the extents.
The truly a butt glazed, blind fasten system where the panel attaches to the face of the glass, just provide an offset in the glass and add a sweep around the panel that represents the sealant. Or build the sealant joint into the Mullion.
Trick to build in custom offsets.
Draw a reference plane to the exterior side of the Center Front back plane in the family. Call it exterior CL Offset or something. Add another ref plane to the interior side, call it Interior inset CL. Place a dimension from Center Front/Back plane to the exterior offset plane, add a parameter called exterior offset. Place a dimension from the Exterior offset ref plane to the Interior Inset CL, call it interior Inset. Now, build your panel off the interior inset CL ref plane. Now you can flex your panel inside or outside of the reference line in the curtain wall system.
2017-10-06, 12:44 PM
I have attached an image explaining the way profiles work for curtain wall mullions. Curtain panels will trim to the profile line that is intersected by the center front/back reference plane. This is determined within the profile family itself and is not altered even if in the project the panel is in front or behind the mullion. 105742
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