View Full Version : Wall or Baluster Along an Irregular Slope.

2005-03-31, 04:37 PM
how to make a wall or baluster along irregular slopes?

2005-03-31, 06:10 PM
If it were me, I would just go ahead and model the wall or baluster along the irregular slope.

how to make a wall or baluster along irregular slopes?

2005-03-31, 06:44 PM
could you elaberate ?

2005-03-31, 06:53 PM
Could you?

could you elaberate ?

2005-03-31, 08:04 PM

Are you trying to model your wall top /balustrade as stepped or contoured?


2005-03-31, 08:46 PM
Very nice model! You should submit it for POTW.

2005-03-31, 09:29 PM
What is POTW ?

2005-04-01, 12:44 PM
Could you?
sorry.could you please elaberate your method .thanks in advance.i want to model a wall and a chain of balusters on the terrain slope.

2005-04-01, 02:04 PM
There is no way to make it automatic. The process is to draw your wall(i suggest a curtain wall for what you want, with a panel that has a chainlink material) and mullions that are round. then you place sections parallel to you slopes and edit the profile of the wall, just click on the wall and edit profile.

2005-04-01, 03:19 PM
If yor slope is likely to change at some point, it is wise to "rough" model the wall and not spend a lot of time getting it perfect so early on in the design process. When your design is at a point where it is begining to settle then further refinements should follow. In revit you can waste a lot of time if you do too much too soon.

Whereas in a forum where people like myself find ourselves somewhat dependent on the generosity and wisdom of great people we have never met, it is very wise to put some effort into our threads early on so as to not waste their time by having them guess what we are really asking. Old Chinese saying "don't poop where you eat.(rice fields being the exception, as poop is somewhat necessary)" By being clear and specific in our questions and requests for advice we can facilitate the exchange of wisdom and create muturally rewarding associations. To not do so is to make oneself appear a P**k a*s B***h to others. My advice is to clearly define what you are asking or saying, and when people ask you for further information it is best to not ignore them. If you not not sure what you want to say, tell people you are not sure how to say it best but are doing the best you can.
People here will not make light of your english, on the contrary they will make every effort to reach you and get you the best advice possible, but you do have to do your part.

There is no way to make it automatic. The process is to draw your wall(i suggest a curtain wall for what you want, with a panel that has a chainlink material) and mullions that are round. then you place sections parallel to you slopes and edit the profile of the wall, just click on the wall and edit profile.

2005-04-01, 05:50 PM
I dont see anything in your example that could not be done easily(!!!) in Revit. Just specify what you have a problem with?

2005-04-01, 06:26 PM
many thanks to cosmickingpin.67846 and all above who give me helps.i think you maybe will go into socialist society rather than extreme advanced captalism society.karl's theory is right.

2005-04-01, 07:15 PM
am i missing something? I told you how you could do it. If you would like a specific tool for it, please place a request. The revit development team is very open to our input. By the way you could make a site family which will follow the slope however the whole item slopes so you couldn't get vertical posts and a sloping fence. you can edit the elevation profiles in 3d so its not to bad the way I described.

2005-04-02, 11:48 AM
POTW, YES I deciphered it, it means


I agree, it is quite impressive, even with the color composition
Good work jiaoyanbing

2005-04-02, 06:58 PM
It is Sketchup though isn't it? Does not look like Revit to me...could be wrong?

POTW, YES I deciphered it, it means


I agree, it is quite impressive, even with the color composition
Good work jiaoyanbing

2005-04-02, 07:05 PM
I'd wager it was done in SketchUp.

2005-04-02, 07:23 PM
Sketch up does shadows? or is it rendered?

Roger Evans
2005-04-02, 07:32 PM
I Like the design
What was the program you used?

2005-04-02, 07:36 PM
Sketch up does shadows? or is it rendered?

Yup, SketchUp does shadows. You can adjust month/day and time and shadows adjust in real-time. It's pretty cool. The image looks like it is straight from SketchUp.

2005-04-02, 07:37 PM
i totally agree.and my favourite i revit.when you lokk at catia ,proe,i-deas,ug, you will understand my choice.

my decision is revit.but i always feel a little regretable.

Is this a trolling's lies, or is he a revit user???

Roger Evans
2005-04-02, 07:39 PM
He is on forum now so we can ask direct

2005-04-03, 05:05 AM
From other posts... wishlist... this guy appears to be trolling.

Arnel Aguel
2005-04-03, 06:29 AM
From other posts... wishlist... this guy appears to be trolling.

I totally agree it's not the first time he/she posted here. At first i gave him the benefit of doubt but it seems he will just leave after posting then here it comes again posting another one. If he is a real Revit user granting that he may have a language barrier but still he won't bother to answer questions to simply understand more of his problem even if his online. It's just a waste of time and effort I think.

Roger Evans
2005-04-03, 12:47 PM
Still got mixed feelings but coming to conclusion he's just wasting time ~ No response to a PM but I note has been on forum a couple of times since

Funny old world we live in

2005-04-04, 02:40 AM
What the H**l does that mean? Going on my ignore list you are...

many thanks to cosmickingpin.67846 and all above who give me helps.i think you maybe will go into socialist society rather than extreme advanced captalism society.karl's theory is right.

Marek Brandstatter
2005-04-04, 07:54 AM
What the H**l does that mean? I assume he's genuinely thanking you and throwing in a badly translated political quip at the same time.


I doubt he's a troll. A google search on his name throws up numerous "modelling" forums where he is participating. Anyone here speak Chinese?

2005-04-04, 03:44 PM
Yes, I also see an attempt to make light there as well Marek.

Ironic that by now, most of us have seen his posting style, yet we continue to
react to it predictably. I also find it highly unusual and new to this board that we are now
pointing oblique insults and using outright foul language in responses.

That is most troublesome of all.

Nobody "owes" anyone anything here, and anger is like oil on water on a board like this, it
floats and spreads.

Scott Hopkins
2005-04-04, 05:12 PM
Here is his profile from eye.box. Hungary....hmmmm Graphsoft???


email:jiaoyanbing AT 163 DOT com
note: the e-mail displaying format has been changed in order to protect against addy harvestersreal life name:JYB birthday:0002/07/country:Hungary http://eye.box.sk/country/hu.gif occupation:55, artist,singleinterests:travelling.likes:pumadislikes:moneyother contacts:

2005-04-04, 05:32 PM
I also find it highly unusual and new to this board that we are now
pointing oblique insults and using outright foul language in responses.

That is most troublesome of all.

Nobody "owes" anyone anything here, and anger is like oil on water on a board like this, it
floats and spreads.
Good reminder!