View Full Version : 2018 Modify Curtain Wall Profile

2017-12-29, 10:17 AM
H there,

I want to modify a curtain wall to have it's own form, modify profil,

but the middle ligne keep constraint with the middle of perpendiculaire wall, that cut the curtain wall

I try constaint, lock, edit joint,dissalow joint , nothing work

how can have the limite then the mullion align with the right exterieur of the wall, not the center so the mullion is align with the border,

thx you a lot,105997105996

2018-01-01, 08:41 PM
And then you realize the entire world as the same problem since 2008.





and was never solve by autodesk

ok I found a work around , create your wall as "in situ" family,

if anyone find a better solution :)

2018-01-02, 06:20 PM
Not sure what you're trying to modify exactly, but you can also tab select the individual panel and edit the profile of that in place.
It might help you think of some other ways to get that to work.

2018-01-02, 09:21 PM

the ligne moved, I just try to modified the profil of the curtain wall, like all the other post,

indeed you can edit the profil of the panel , it help,

but what about the mullion that is still stick to the center of the wall, no way to offset (right/Left) the mullions ?


2018-01-02, 09:53 PM
No true
You can create curtain wall mullion profiles that don't need to live on the gird. They can have offsets in the Left/Right direction and exterior and interior side, just not the vertical.
it's all just based on the location line of the grid.
It can be made to be adjustable.

2018-01-03, 09:19 AM
First points, If you make only the exterior part of the walls as in situ not all the layers inside the wall,
then the modify curtain wall can align to the exterior of this in-situ wall (layers), king of the best solution,

2 points, "You can create curtain wall mullion profiles that don't need to live on the gird. They can have offsets in the Left/Right direction and exterior and interior side, just not the vertical."

how can you do this , the profile mullion only allow to draw the profil, then it rely only on the mullion properties inside the project ?

according to you the profil ligne can be align with the center of the wall, but i can edit the profil of the panel , then offset on right/left the mullions,

2018-01-03, 01:53 PM
The profile is generated based on the location line in the Profile family and the Location line (grid) of the Curtain wall.
When you create the family, add some ref plans and dimensions and build the whole thing off the location line. Add some parameters and you can make it flex left and right. it's the same thing you'd want to do to put the mullion to the exterior or the interior.
I've done this method for creating terracotta wall systems and such.
The more you understand about how those things work and what the families are looking for, the more you're like them.

2018-01-04, 10:32 AM
Ok great I achieve to add a parameter spacing to the profil mullion, also a Length & wide parameter, so you can edit the mullions profil , as is become a families and no more a system mullion,

then You can edit the profil of the glass panel, so problem fix

except in the case where you panel is not a "system panel" like glass or solid ,

in my case multi-layers wall with isolation , in this case you can't edit the profil,

but it work fine for system panel


thx a lot

any thought about the system panel ? I can make in-situ panel just for this panel,

2018-01-18, 04:44 PM
Im not shure but i think what u need is to "disallow join" the extreme of the wall, by right-clicking the blue dot at the end of mentioned walls