View Full Version : 2018 Deleting named reference planes.

2018-01-24, 09:58 PM
Greetings - This post could be for all flavors of Revit. The set up: I'm working on a company template for Revit 2018. I upgraded an old template from 2017 to start. With that old template came named reference planes that have no geometry associated with them and I wanted to delete the reference planes. This idea is not mine - credit goes to Damien Ferlazzo of RevitLink. His blog article was titled "Delete unnamed reference planes using Dynamo". To paraphrase the suggestion - get a list of the named planes (I used a screen capture of the drop down list of available work planes in structure, work plane, set). Draw a new reference plane and name it the same as one of the RP's on the list. You will get a dialog box explaining that that RP already exists and a unique name should be used instead. Drill into the dialog box and obtain the ID number of the existing RP. Exit out of the dialog box. Enter that ID into Manage, Inquiry, Select by ID. The RP will show up listed in the properties dialog box. At this point just hit delete on the keyboard. Hopefully you don't have a lot of RP's to get rid of but this method works and I've not found any other suggestions out there. Best of luck - hope this helps.