View Full Version : AutoCAD 2005 MNU and MNS into 2006

Li'l Crys
2005-04-01, 09:29 PM
I want to know what happened to the mns and mnu files in 2005 to 2006. The mns and mnu files do not seem to be compatable with the new CUI. I doubt that Autodesk would make then totally obsolete. Do we have to redo all of out custom menus and buttons? There has to be a quick fix...anyone?

2005-04-01, 09:43 PM
You can still load your custom MNU files. Just click on the drop down box under file type and you can select mnu or msn.

My custom menu works just fine (as far as I can tell)

2005-04-01, 09:44 PM
I just started experimenting with 2006 today, and managed to load my existing MNS files -- 3 of them -- with no particular problem or effort. Certainly did not need to alter them at all. They function perfectly, so I'm not sure what you mean by the phrase "do not seem to be compatible". As I said, I just installed 2006 today, so maybe I will find a problem, but so far......

Li'l Crys
2005-04-01, 09:48 PM
You can still load your custom MNU files. Just click on the drop down box under file type and you can select mnu or msn.

My custom menu works just fine (as far as I can tell)

Wow ok, whatever happened to user friendly. I knew it was somewhere.

2005-04-07, 04:24 PM
I prefer importing them via the customization wizard, this way you get what you had before mixed with the new features, go to Tools > Customise > Interface, then click the Transfer Tab, There will be two lists, theone on the right should be your current cui file the one on your left should haave an option to open older fuiles, go and find your mns file and open it, then drag and drop whatever you want.

2005-04-07, 07:50 PM
Everything from our MNU file seemed to convert over ok, apart from one thing....the tablet!!! (its sometimes imbarrasing to admit we still have tablets, but it's still supported under our office policy, so I have to get it to work), in particular the buttons portion of the menu. It will not save the files I drop to it or make within it. Very annoying. Has anyone else had any problems? does anyone else still use tablets out there? probably not, maybee I can use this as an excuse to get everyone on to a mouse.

2005-04-10, 10:25 PM
Same way as I mentioned earlier, go to Tools -> Customization -> Import Customizations and it's under Legacy.

2006-02-15, 09:11 PM
A couple of us still use digitizers - love those 16-button pucks! Unfortunately, every time I'd drag and drop from my old menu to the new CUI, my CUI would become corrupt and unopenable. I had to input every button macro over again, but even that only works for the first two button pallets. The CONTROL and SHIFT-CONTROL pallets no longer work; you can add button definitions, but they disappear. Autodesk's answer was, oh yeah, it doesn't work anymore, but we're working real hard to get 2007 out as quickly as possibly. For only five grand (for ABS), you too can have the excitement of being a beta tester!

For the rest, I've had numerous instances of CUI files becoming corrupt and unopenable. My tips are:
1) Make sure you're modifying a renamed copy, not your ACAD.CUI or ABS.CUI file.
2) Change a bit, then save and recompile. If you get an error on recompile, delete the CUI file and copy your last save, then rename. It seems to work better in small doses. If I changed or added a whole menu, I was garranteed a corrupt file, but if I changed a few lines and then recompiled, the same information went in just fine.
3) Be persistant. This thing seems buggier than the Orkan Insect Zoo, but eventually most problems can be worked out. I think I'm down to one issue now, image tile menus which work on some computers but not others, for which I've posted a plea for help on this forum and on Autodesk's forum.

Everything from our MNU file seemed to convert over ok, apart from one thing....the tablet!!! (its sometimes imbarrasing to admit we still have tablets, but it's still supported under our office policy, so I have to get it to work), in particular the buttons portion of the menu. It will not save the files I drop to it or make within it. Very annoying. Has anyone else had any problems? does anyone else still use tablets out there? probably not, maybee I can use this as an excuse to get everyone on to a mouse.

2006-02-16, 04:52 AM
... The CONTROL and SHIFT-CONTROL pallets no longer work; ...What do you mean by "pallets" [sic]?