View Full Version : 2018 Stair by Sketch Stringer issue - A raised lip being created when it should be a continuous stringer

Greg Benson-Shettle
2018-02-04, 04:12 PM
Hi Revitiers,

Trying to create a stair where the first 6 risers have a decreasing width where there is a curved stinger and the remaining risers are in a straight section of equal width. The problem I've been trying to fix is that where the curved boundary meets the straight boundary a raised lip is being created when I need it to be as one continuous stringer.
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I have experimented with the stringer drawn with 2 straight line and also 2 arc but the result was the same.

Whilst I have listed this as a 2018 issue but I expect it applies to most recent or all versions.

Anyone have clues or further suggestions.

Any help much appreciated.

2018-02-06, 02:16 PM
If you really want them to look right you might just need to model those by hand. It's a pain, but the stair tool doesn't seem to do highly custom stairs very well.