View Full Version : 2018 Revit Overrides 3D views

2018-02-05, 01:46 PM

I have a critical question about Revit 2018 behavior.

When I select objects and hit "bx" I should get a Default 3D view named: {3D}username
I change the name to "Test" of the view so i can use it for my sheets (I lock the view etc).
If i select an element from that 3D view to get a closer inspection Revit doesn't make a new view named: {3D}username
But instead it overrides my Current 3D view with the name "Test".

Can i change this somewhere in the settings?


Jesse Heijtink

2018-02-06, 02:19 PM
I'm going to take a stab in the dark and say that the 3d Default view tied to your user name gets a predefined GUID that's hard coded in revit. You can change the name, but that's you're default 3d View.
I'd suggest looking at getting the CoINS Section box tool. Works much better and allows you to select what view you're creating a section box in.