View Full Version : can somebody PLEASE explain these section head types?

2005-04-02, 01:41 AM
I'm having a real problem with these building section annotations.

First of all, when I click on a building section annotation, and then pull down the types box at the upper left, I see items under the family Section as well as the family Detail View available. What's the difference?

Now, I have one building section drawn, which has the normal head on it (sheet and detail number). I want to draw more building sections that reference that same section, and have those say "SIM" or "OPP HND" next to the head. So I draw one, and it does indeed say SIM next to the head.

Now the wierd thing is, both of these say in the properties dialog that the Family is "Section", and the Type is "Section: 1/2" Head." If I look at the properties for the 1/2" Head section type, it has SIM in the Reference Label field. So how come the original section doesn't have a SIM label next to it?

Now here's the real kicker: I duplicated the 1/2" Head type and made another type that says SIM OPP HND. Okay so I click on my building section, pull down the box, and change it to the new type I just made, and nothing happens! When I click on the section again, it's still the 1/2" Head type, and not the new type that I made?

This kinda stuff makes me want to pull my hair out arghhhhhh

2005-04-02, 01:50 AM
I posted something here BLOG (http://revitoped.blogspot.com/2005/03/whats-different-with-view-tags-in.html)

And this THREAD (http://forums.augi.com/showthread.php?t=13407)

Need to get this into the FAQ now...

2005-04-02, 02:19 AM
Well the thread didn't really address my problem, I don't think... but the blog seems to indicate that there is now no way to do what I want to do. It seems that the original building section has no reference labels, and other sections that reference the original automatically have SIM next to it, and I can't change it, is that correct?

If so that seems really dumb, like they took away options in this area instead of added more options for version 7 like was done in most other areas. :(

So now it's not possible to make a section or callout say OPP HND or TYP or anything besides SIM, is that right?

2005-04-02, 02:29 AM
...Well the thread didn't really address my problem, I don't think...Correct but related...

...but the blog seems to indicate that there is now no way to do what I want to do.
The view dictates what annotation is used when referencing it. If you want something to say OPP, you have to create a new section, assign it to the section style that has OPP assigned instead. But you can not refer to the same section view that is using SIM with another using OPP.

Yes, you are correct, it does take away a capability we had before. I don't think Revit development appreciates this subtlety because when I submitted this as an issue it was "closed" working as intended.

2005-04-02, 03:49 AM
I think the new process of section and callout heads is a pain in the butt. I liked the version 6.X way of changing the heads.

It took me a good 3 months to figure out how V7 was keeping track of these.

Is there a reason behind the madness, or is there something to be seen in future releases to help understand the question of why change whats not broken?

2005-04-15, 07:49 PM
Understanding why they changed this in V-7 surpasses all logic.