View Full Version : 2017 CAD link in Revit - Why would PROXYGRAPHICS change the coordinate system?

2018-03-14, 10:29 PM
Linking in a DWG site plan created in Civil 3D by shared coordinates. The Revit file was originally set up by acquiring coordinates from the Civil DWG (this method: https://knowledge.autodesk.com/support/revit-products/learn-explore/caas/CloudHelp/cloudhelp/2018/ENU/Revit-Model/files/GUID-77BBFD78-8389-4FD4-8C95-929D92AAC590-htm.html).
When I first link in the file, it come in on the correct coordinate system, but gives me the error "Some elements were lost during import. ActiveX and some proprietary components cannot be imported. Try exploding the file in AutoCAD or setting PROXYGRAPHICS to 1." So I go into AutoCAD, and set PROXYGRAPHICS to 1. Then I reload the link and it is on a totally different place thousands of feet away.
What (and WHY???) is the relationship between PROXYGRAPHICS and the coordinate system? Do I have to live with this error if I want to be able to be on the same coordinate system as the drawings Civil is producing?

....Why is it so hard to get coordinate system in Revit and AutoCAD to work together?.... :roll: