View Full Version : 3D JPG's

3D Jack
2005-04-03, 06:27 AM
Since Brenda wants post of work we have done that may be pretty I will post a couple of 3D projects I did. They are not pretty as I apply no surfaces and use lots of colors to distinguish one part from another. No Dog & Pony pictures here however they are real world working 3D models. One of them is a complete drilling rig totally done by myself in 3D. The other is a really cool vehicle used primarily on the Alaska North Slope. The "tires" on it are about 4 feet in diameter and 5 feet wide. Think BIG air bags. They haul heavy equipment without damaging the tundra environment. Each air bag has it air pressure controlled from the cockpit. In the demo video to show how little pressure it can put down they actually drive over top of a young girl who gets up looking amazed and laughing like crazy. Anyway I am a lover of 3D and wish the would elminate the "Flat Earth Society" and everyone do 3D. It would be so much easier and nicer. You just have to learn and use your brains.

2005-04-03, 05:15 PM
Very Nice!! Thanks Jack :)