View Full Version : 2017 Dim variable to change value prior to placement

2018-03-19, 01:28 PM
Hi All
I have a colleague that asked me about an editing habit that he wants to restore. He wants to edit the value on-the-fly after selecting two points and placing the dimension. He doesn't want to place it and then go back and edit it. I remember doing this in long past but I don't recall which variable controls this behavior. Any help is greatly appreciated.

2018-03-19, 03:12 PM
iirc -- that was possible a decade or so ago, back when dimensioning was a new kid, and before associative dims. maybe try dimassoc 0?

but that's throwing the baby out with the bathwater.

2018-03-19, 05:11 PM
^ Dimassoc is the variable I found when trying to read up about this too and it does let you punch in the value as you place it, but it explodes the dimension. Gross.