View Full Version : 2017 Architectural Columns with Multiple Layers of Materials (like a Wall)

2018-04-02, 07:07 PM
I am trying to make an architectural column family with multiple layers of materials, like a wall, to wrap structural steel columns from my structural engineer. Think brick, air space, insulation, etc. I want a heavy cutline around the outside of it, but for the divisions between the interior layers I want a lighter lineweight. If I make multiple extrusions for each material, the cutlines for each are still heavy. If i join them, they just take on the property of the first object. I could use Filled/Masking regions, but then I'd be concerned they would cover up model information once loaded in to the project (like the structural columns). Has anyone attempted anything like this? Any recommendations? Thanks.

2018-04-03, 11:49 PM
In your situation, I would just wrap the structural column with Walls. That will still give you a heavy line on the inside, which you may not want, but will give you the lighter lines between the layers of the Wall.

2018-04-04, 12:58 PM
You could make a level based generic model.
Add separate sub categories for each layer.
Make each layer it's own extrusion.
Provide a material and a Dimensional constraint for each layer thickness.
and place it like a column.