View Full Version : Watch out for move with a disjoin....

2005-04-04, 07:20 PM
I just noticed this one.
I used move with a disjoin option to align two walls. The wall I was moving was dimensioned. After the move, the witness line for that wall was deleted without warning. This could be a big problem since you might be working in one view and the dimension could be in another view.

Of course one woould expect the dimension to move with the moved object...

Very un-BIM like.

J. Grouchy
2005-04-04, 07:30 PM
I've noticed this since I've had to do this quite a bit lately. Is this a bug or is it intentional? Or is it just an oversight?

2005-04-04, 07:59 PM
Just checked and it was this way in 6. I'm surprised I hadn't noticed until now.

2005-04-05, 12:09 AM
The intention of Move with Disjoin was to remove ALL references from other objects to the selected objects. It behaves as if you Cut the selected objects and Pasted them in the new place (effectively creating new objects that look like the old ones). All references from the rest of the model to those objects are lost. If you Cut a wall then all dimension witness lines that referenced it will be deleted, and they won't be recreated when you paste it. So, the behavior described is how it was intended to work. I understand that in this case your expectation is that certain references will be maintained. That would be a reasonable request for the wishlist (but please be specific about what kind of references should be kept).

Perhaps a better request would be a way to disjoin a wall from another wall without disjoining it from the rest of the model.

2005-04-05, 12:15 AM
Perhaps a better request would be a way to disjoin a wall from another wall without disjoining it from the rest of the model.That would be ideal...and the primary reason I use disjoin.

2005-04-05, 12:47 AM
Another possibility to consider is to cut off / disjoin all references to model elements (not just walls) but keep all annotations.

Martin P
2005-04-05, 12:20 PM
The other to be aware of is that if you use disjoin with a wall and do not select all the wall based objects on the wall - Revit deletes the unselected ones without any warning.

J. Grouchy
2005-04-05, 12:24 PM
The other to be aware of is that if you use disjoin with a wall and do not select all the wall based objects on the wall - Revit deletes the unselected ones without any warning.

Another lesson I learned the hard way.

I'd like it to at least be able to keep the dimension references since those usually don't change if you are moving the whole wall as a unit. It takes less time to delete a dimension than go back and edit the witness lines to pick up the references it lost.

2005-04-05, 01:10 PM
Then I suggest we visit the wishlist already in progress, but only 5 people voted? including myself?


Go and vote, and add pluses and minuses of how the poll is stated.
I've known this for a while, I just became more and more frustrated...