View Full Version : No wall tags in section... why was that again?

Wes Macaulay
2005-04-04, 07:22 PM
I recall on old thread on ZDBB about why wall and floor tags don't work in section. I know they don't work, and I know the work around, but I'd like to explain why this feature hasn't been implemented yet in Revit. Can anyone give a little insight?


2005-04-04, 08:48 PM
I wish I knew why as well. Is the workaround you're refering to making a dumb annotation that looks like a wall tag? If not what is it?

2005-04-06, 03:32 AM
No insight here, but I wish this was supported. It doesn't seem to be a programming difficulty, at least in appearance, and I needed to tag a wall in section today....

Michelle Gibson
2005-04-21, 07:39 PM
I am stymied that I can't tag a wall in section - this seems like such an oversight. Have you found the work around? I don't like the idea that of all the great coordination Revit does as you change materials etc..., my section details are going to be manual checks to update wall types as we change things around.


Wes Macaulay
2005-04-21, 08:02 PM
Michelle, check out the other thread where you posted on this issue... I uploaded a tag for you to use.

Michelle Gibson
2005-04-21, 08:16 PM
Thanks Wes

We downloaded your generic tag, made our modifications (font,mm). Still can't place in section detail. You noted that your tag was a type parameter not an instance. Meanwhile as I am typing, another staff has gone back and modified it to an instance. We'll test it and see if we're up and running.

We've just begun Revit in the last 6 weeks and we're not doing too bad! A few frustrations, mostly with having stacked walls that are really difficult to join. We've got a gym that has so many stacked wall types because of the adjacent spaces that I am about to give up! Anyway, working thru it slowly...

thanks again.

Wes Macaulay
2005-04-21, 08:19 PM
Thanks Wes

We downloaded your generic tag, made our modifications (font,mm). Still can't place in section detail. You noted that your tag was a type parameter not an instance. Meanwhile as I am typing, another staff has gone back and modified it to an instance. We'll test it and see if we're up and running.I wouldn't modify it to an instance param for the reasons I noted, even if it seems easier to use it. Many tags don't work in detail views... why I don't know.

2005-06-18, 09:08 AM
Hmm. I am getting the floor and ceiling tags to work in section but still not the wall tags. I have used keynotes for the wall but for some reason keynotes do not "stick" to the wall like tags do.
I think we really need genuine wall tags in section AND sticky keynotes.
Also keynotes do not interrogate the wall etc. so if you change the wall they do not update like tags do. You have to make sure you change the keynote.

2005-06-18, 01:14 PM
Also keynotes do not interrogate the wall etc. so if you change the wall they do not update like tags do. You have to make sure you change the keynote.

Tags are tied to the properties of the object. Keynotes are that, text you can place where desired and scheduled, even automated. I agree, both room tags and wall tags should work in section. I remember an explaination by Aaron though on the issues. It was discussed here (http://forums.augi.com/showthread.php?t=3303&highlight=room):

2005-06-19, 11:59 PM
Identifying a room in section-it would have to have the whole volume defined for it, not just the plan-should not be impossible in a 3D program- e.g. can't the room boundaries have a vertical property not just a horizontal one?.
And if I can tag a floor and ceiling in section -why not a wall?
And if I have to resort to keynotes, why can't they move with the item they are "attached" to so when you move that wall you don't have to move the key tags too.
You can group them but then they become a detail group attached to a model item or group. You can't seem to lock them to the wall etc. either so they would move with the wall.
Then to schedule them would you need a special keynote set that includes all wall types-still getting my head around Skisouth tutorial.
Seems tagging walls would be a lot easier.