View Full Version : 2017 How to Get New Materials

2018-07-01, 02:20 PM
I'm a beginner Revit user and am using Revit LT 2017. I'm doing a quick study model of a house and want to apply a few materials to the exterior to give a general idea of what they look like. Don't need photo-realistic. When I use the Paint command I have a fairly limited palette of materials to choose from out-of-the-box. How do I add new materials relatively quickly? I'm specifically looking for stone veneer and natural wood siding options. Can I find them pre-made somewhere online and import them, or do I have to create my own from scratch? Thanks very much!

2018-07-02, 12:51 PM
I've moved this to the Revit LT support.
With a standard install, there's 1000s of OTTB material assests. You'll need to create new materials, but the assets are already there. Go into the material editor and create a new material. Open the asses editor and apply the asset that you'd like to use. You can also create your own asset library for custom materials. Remember that if you duplicate the material name, you'll also need to duplicate the material asset as that's what actually controls the rendered display.
As for importing materials, if a material is applied to a family, the material comes along for the ride. But if it's a custom material created from an image file the image file will not.
Hope this helps.

2018-07-03, 08:03 PM
Thanks. And sorry for posting in the wrong spot. I'm new here.
When I create a new material and search for a new pattern under the Graphics tab, I only have maybe a couple dozen hatch patterns. Under the Appearance tab I don't see any pre-loaded materials. Just an option to upload my own images. I must be looking in the wrong spot?

2018-07-03, 08:23 PM
Ahh, Ok you're looking for fill patterns, not material patterns.
Fill Patterns can used a "Hatch" based on a schedule as a detail object, visible only in the view they were created in. Or as a surface or cut pattern applied to a material that's been applied to a modeled object.
There's not a lot of out of the box fill patterns. You can create one or use any autocad based hatch pattern. You just need to create new ones.
Note that you can create a Drafting Pattern (doesn't adjust per drawing scale, visibly always the same size) or a Model Pattern (not scale dependent and always the same dimensional size)
Hope this helps.

2018-07-03, 08:44 PM
No, sorry I'm probably not describing this well. I'm not looking for fill patterns for what you see when you cut through a wall. I need to apply materials to the surfaces of my walls, such as a stone veneer at the base of a house, and clear cedar siding.