View Full Version : 2018 Saving a drawing on a free trial

2018-07-26, 06:58 AM

I have the free trial for AutoCAD 2016 for Mac right now. It should be expiring soon, but I have made a drawing that I wish to keep saved after my free trial is up. Is there a way for me to save this drawing to a hard drive and then be able to view on any computer? Or does the computer I am trying to view it on also need AutoCAD?

(Also on this AutoCAD file, I have texts and images that I have to zoom in on to see because the picture is quite large. If there is a way to save the drawing, is there a way to be able to zoom in on those portions as well?)

Please let me know, I would greatly appreciate it.


2018-07-26, 02:53 PM
The trial software is no different than the software used with a paid license, other than it expires at some point.
You can save any drawing file and use a reader or other CAD software (such as BricsCAD perhaps?) to view and edit the same drawing file at any point down the road.

To view on *any* computer, you'll need some kind of CAD viewer, such as Autodesk DWG Trueview, or BricsCAD Shape, or Bentley View, etc. (Autodesk also has an online viewer, where you upload your DWG to them, then it displays in the browser)

You could also print the drawing to PDF if you just want to send the drawing to others who do not have a CAD viewer and don't want to install one.
Just keep the DWG file, because the PDF does not contain the same intelligence as the DWG file. It's just a print.