View Full Version : Mirroring a plan...

2005-04-05, 12:28 AM
Is this do-able? I have a plan and another client wants the same thing (more or less reversed). I set up a reference plane to mirror the plan over section by section with the mirror command and all seemed to work fine - more or less. Then i tried adding a plan to a worksheet and it wouldn't show up. Couldn't figure it out - until i realized that somehow along the lines the bounding box (or scope box or whatever) that surrounds a plan was increase exponentially somehow. Instead of that area being slightlight larger than the plan/elevations - it's now city sized - or close to it. I can no longer see my first floor plan because i made the mistake of 'zoom to fit' - it zoomed to the whole freaking city area and i can't locate my plan to save my life. Is there any way to correct the size of the bounding box and fix this?
Is there another better way of mirroring and entire plan? Or in the revit world do you just have to redraw it from scratch??

Your help would be greatly appeciated!!


2005-04-05, 08:13 AM
Could you upload the original plan that you want to mirror? I could have a shot at it if you like. I have done this a few times and not had a problem. Is your "city" in revit (model) or an image that you have in the background - revit will zoom to fit to include any and all elements of that level.

What I usualy do is to set up the mirror line, then go to a 3D view and select and mirror that (that way you get everything). I suggest you try opening the original model, deleting everything you dont want to mirror, and then trying again.

Regarding the bounding box, I guess you could turn it off in the properties for that view and see if you can get it back. I think you have some data way out on the edge, perhaps you could zoom to fit, then just select the areas around the four edges and delete - then try and zoon to fit again . . that might help.

Hope that helps

2005-04-05, 08:31 AM
There are a number of threads covering this topic.

Here's one. (http://forums.augi.com/showthread.php?t=7259&highlight=Mirror)

Search on " Mirror" for more.

2005-04-05, 01:49 PM
Sorry, I did a search on mirror and on read through the first couple pages and didn't see a thread like that. But thanks for linking it.

As it turns out, it looks like I did mirror it correctly, the problem looks to be in my original drawing. You know how in Autocad if you're copying or moving something and 'esc' out of it that it can throw a copy way way out there so when you 'zoom extents' you get two little dots? That looks like what has happened to my revit plan. I noticed that i couldn't do a generic 3d view. It just showed up 'white'. I thought i messed up something in relation to the 3D view. Looks like somehow the area defined by the first floor is way out of whack.

For the record i didn't model a city.It's a 3000sf house. I may have exaggerated a bit, but the scope area looks like it could conceivably fit a whole city in it. Put it this way, i can no longer locate my first floor in the first floor plan - I just get white. Is there any way to figure out what caused this and how to fix it?

Allen Lacy
2005-04-05, 02:36 PM
Could be a couple of things. One, if any of your walls have structural usage set to bearing, change them to non-bearing. This is a known issue in 7.0. Two, have you linked any DWG files in? These could be throwing your extents off. You can always turn you crop region and adjust the extents for non-3D views.

2005-04-05, 02:38 PM
Figured it out. Somehow a 'Basic Wall: ' (that's it, no other definition) was inserted that was about 200,000ft by 200,000ft by 150ft. That didn't fit too well with a 60x50 house pad :)

For whatever reason it was screwing up only the 3D views in the original plan. Then when i copied the plan to a new file to mirror it, it screwed up the first floors as well. There's no way i created a wall like this, but at least i was able to ID it and get rid of it. For those who run into a similar situation, i discovered that if i set all the actual building walls to 'existing construction' then went to the 3D view and set the view to show only new construction, then selected the whole screen and filtered it down to just walls, this mammoth wall piece was visible and i could delete it. Took me about an hour to come up with the process though - i'll definitely know better next time! :)