View Full Version : Find model in view

Adam Mac
2005-04-05, 01:31 AM
Could anyone tell me how to find the "extents" of
a model in a view where the model/plan is not visible or
outside the current crop region?



Adam Mac
2005-04-05, 02:23 AM
As it turns out - i had an imported element which i'd forgotten about which was (roughly...)
a gazillion miles away from my building model, and it's phasing was "proposed".

Therfore whenever i did a "zoom all/extents" while my VP settings were Show Proposed & Proposed, my whole screen went blank as Revit zoomed out to extents!!

I only discovered what the problem was by dragging a selection across the whole screen
and then looking at the Filter contents - doing this with both Proposed & Existing phase settings and noting the difference in what had been selected....

O.K. - it was a user error that caused this - BUT there has got to be an easier way to detect/see what you have on screen!! Even when i did figure out that there was an imported element out there somewhere, and i'd selected it using the filter, there is still no way (that i know of) of actually zooming into and viewing that object! I just deleted it blindly. If i'd wanted to move it i wouldn't have known where to pick a start point!

At least with AutoCAD you can usually see a "blob" on the horizon and then zoom into that - i couldn't see anything!!

Can anyone offer any advice on this?

2005-04-05, 02:39 AM
Using Visibility Graphics ( V V key ), turn off the Model and Annotation categories, leaving the DWG / DXG / DGN categories on. Zoom extents. Turn off individual imports if desired.

Adam Mac
2005-04-05, 07:17 AM
Thanks BeeGee - i'll try that *next* time!