View Full Version : 2018 RCP View Range issues

2018-08-30, 08:41 PM
Hello all,

I have created a simple ceiling based family that contains an imported sketchup 3D file - it makes up a light fixture.
It works great, looks good in elevation and plan... But does not show up in my RCP.
I've attached a few photos to help you understand my frustration. In a typical RCP plan I cannot see it. But when I toggle on the reveal hidden items I see them - and they are not red like the other items that I hid in view?
So I check the view template to see if I have lighting fixtures turned off - wasn't that.
Then I checked my visibility settings in the family - also wasn't that.
Then I checked my view range settings and I've posted them here too in case someone thinks it may have something to do with that.

Please let me know If someone can think of something I've missed.
