View Full Version : 2018 Understanding RCP and view ranges

2018-08-30, 08:53 PM
Hey guys,

I am so confused about the controls of view ranges in a reflected ceiling plan...
You can see that in my view template I have my view range set up:

top - level above - 0'-0"
cut plane - associated (grayed out?) - 4'-0"
bottom - associated (grayed out?) - 4'-0"
level - unlimited

In the attached photo I am using a plan region with view range set up:
top - 2nd floor plan - 0'-0"
cut - 1st floor plan - 4'-0"
bottom - 1st floor plan - 4'-0"
level - unlimited

In the plan region I can see the sprinkler heads (black dots) and outside the plan region I cannot. But both my plan region and view template view range have the same ranges?
Also, why do the cut plan and bottom have grayed out fields but I can control this in my plan region.

Obviously I can use the plan region as a work around, but it would be nice to fully understand this and embed it into the view template.

Thanks in advance!!