View Full Version : 2019 Error: The local user file belonging to <user> has been copied or moved to the location of the central model

2018-11-16, 04:13 PM
A model is giving the error "The local user file belonging to <user> has been copied or moved to the location of the central model <location>. This will cause problems for other users unless the file is resaved as a central model." I've done multiple resaves from different machines and this error just keeps bouncing around the office. It's always the same user name in the error regardless of who makes the new central file. I've done both the simple save as and created a new central from a detached local file.

I did discover that the machine which first experienced the error somehow had the 2019.0.2 update instead of the 2019.1 update (thanks Autodesk) which, I'm guessing, caused the problem. The user name in the error matches this machine. This has been rectified by uninstalling and reinstalling but the problem still pops up.

Any suggestions?

2018-11-16, 06:45 PM
Short answer: If the path to a central file is different than what it was saved with originally it is regarded by Revit as a Local File. When the message appears it means that something is different: Server Name, Folder Name, File Name, Network Path etc.

Longer reply: Each user in the office needs to be mapped to the shared folder(s) the same way. Assuming there is an EyeTee person overseeing this that shouldn't be an issue. If the EyeTee tasks are not managed by the same person or the person that deals doesn't have that title formally (meaning requisite experience/responsibility) then it might not be.

I've seen scripts that are meant to run on PC's to manage such things that don't get to run and that changes the mapping, or at least not everyone is the same. For example, a project central might be created using the IP address for the project folder: //192.###.##.##/Projects/ProjectName/MyProjectCentral.rvt. If another user is mapped to the folder like this: //ServerName/Projects/ProjectName/MyProjectCentral.rvt then Revit thinks the path has changed.

If the Create New Local option is disabled when you attempt to open the project then that can be an indication that computer doesn't see the Central File properly.

A server replacement or if it's been renamed will require all project central files to be remade based on the new location.

2018-11-19, 03:29 PM
I am such a dope. Always read warning dialogs carefully. The warning was related to a linked model not the one I was opening.

2018-11-19, 07:21 PM
Glad you sorted it out.