View Full Version : 2018 Curtain Wall Mullions - Inherit Host Properties?

2018-11-22, 06:02 PM
At the highest level I'm wondering - is there a way to keep the properties of a mullion synchronized to a property in the host?

I'm working on a building where we have a precast grid on the exterior of the building, hanging off projected balconies. There are two buildings in the project. each of which has four facades. On some of the facades there are stepbacks, so we have upper and lower curtain walls.

As you can imagine, there's a lot of data there. A simple horizontal/vertical mullion assignment won't work so we have to go in and tweak which mullions are showing up where. To date I've used the "comment" field of the mullions so that I can generate a schedule and break the precast schedule out according to building face, but if we change mullions here and there i'm worried about the general tendency of the team to pay attention and keep things tagged/commented properly.

the easiest solution would be if you could give a comment/mark to the overall curtain wall system, and that property would automatically get assigned to each mullion. I'm hoping it can be done with Dynamo but I don't really know where to start, but in a perfect world it could be done via schedule... but it seems like revit will only do mullion schedules or system schedules, with no cross-pollination between the two. Is that correct or am I missing something?