View Full Version : Vertical text

2005-04-06, 04:14 PM
I still have not received the new AutoCAD 2006 but have a question for those of you who have been testing it. Does the new version of the table allow for vertical text? Also does it have the ability to hide row and columns like Excel?

2005-04-07, 06:50 PM
Yes you can. You pretty much full foratting capabilities with tables (some of the really advanced functions of excel may not be available though).

2005-04-08, 04:00 PM
Great! What about being able to hide rows & columns?

2005-04-11, 02:26 AM
I don't think it's possible to hide columns/rows. I think that might be a higher function of excel.

2005-04-14, 08:12 PM
You can do vertical text in 2005.

Select a cell.
Right click, then go to properties.
In the Properties dialog box at the bottom there is a line titled Text Rotation.

That should be what I think you are looking for. See attached image. I hope this helps.