View Full Version : Best way to print Revit 7.0 format on a 6.1 computer

2005-04-07, 01:56 AM
I am a student and currently work in Revit 7.0 however, my school's media center only has Revit 6.0 on their ploting computers, which won't open the 7.0 file. They do however, have the complete Adobe Creative Suite and Acrobat which is how I have printed in the past. I print the image as a PDF however, the quality is not the same. Black lines that should be sharp and pure black have a halo effect of pink on the edges. The images are the settings I use to accomplish this. Can any one help? What is the best way to print/export my images/plans. I also have included an image of what results I am getting.

Alex Page
2005-04-07, 02:01 AM
I find PDF a bit clunky too...so tend to avoid it, but what about using Autodesk dwf printer 9which comes with revit)....files are smaller and you can download a free viewer which is really easy to print from

2005-04-07, 02:13 AM
Have your school download the demo copy ( of Revit 7). Should plot as long as you use the "in-session" plot settings.

2005-04-07, 02:25 AM
The DWF method works GREAT!! Thanks a ton!

Also, the demo idea is a good thought but with the speed at which the computer guy in my university works that would not be installed until sometime next year. Thanks though!

2005-04-07, 03:17 AM
Another thought . . . I've done some comparison and have found a wide discrepancy between PDF creators. By far, the best PDF creation that I've found is with Adobe's Acrobat software. I've never had a bad or fuzzy PDF using Acrobat. You, being a student, should be able to buy the academic version of Adobe Acrobat for about $100 or $150US. Also, Adobe is (by far) the best company to work with when upgrading academic software to commercial grade software.

Just a thought.