View Full Version : 2018 Partial Slab Opening & Phases

2019-06-13, 10:18 AM
I know it has been posted before but I could not find a solution to my case..
Have existing slab.
Need to cut holes in it.
Need to see the result in three phase:
-Existing (no outlines of holes)
-Project (Existing slab minus the holes)
-Demolition (Existing slab with parts demolished shown in yellow [down here, France, we "set up" Demo as yellow...)

Any suggestion would be welcomed!

2019-06-13, 07:54 PM
What are you demolishing? You're cutting new holes in a slab? I'd suggest using a slab opening.
The slab isn't being demolished in my mind as much as you're adding a hole to it. Unless you're actually demolishing it.
If you're demolishing it, you'll need to make the portion you want to demolish a separate slab so you can demolish the whole thing.

2019-06-14, 08:16 AM
Thanks David.
The slab will stay. We're simply cutting holes in it (new vehicles ramp, new staircases...it's a multi-level carpark).
How do I manage the phases but?
What I did is:
-1 Model the perimeter of the opening in Existing.
-2 Fill the opening with the same Floor Type as the existing.
-3 Select the filled floor area and demolish it in the new construction phase.
-4 Use Linework tool to change the edges to invisible in the existing view.

...as suggested on a forum...
Looking for a "better" way.........

2019-06-14, 12:31 PM
Option B is to just add a floor opening using the opening tool or create a void family that cuts the opening. Opening tool will be easier.
However you'll need to use the line work tool to adjust the line work on the "Demo" plan that's really just showing the opening cut.
It's kind of a catch 22. You either have to model the thing that you want to demolish, or use the opening tool and adjust the line work if you need to.
On past projects I didn't use a "Demolition plan". I simply had a drawing that showed the new opening with notes that said cut and remove existing structure.
Either way, unless you're removing the whole thing, you're going to have a solid line. ie you're not really demo'ing the whole structure, your removing a portion of it, or adding a new opening. From a graphical standpoint, i would be drawing a solid line. In the US we typically show demo as a hidden line. In the case where you're adding a new opening as the full wall isn't really demo'd you're just cutting a new hole in it, I'd show a solid line in elevation as a new wall edge.
Option C for your demo work would be to show the extent of slab area to be removed via filled region, and then cut the opening using the opening tool.
Those are about all the options I can think of. There's not really an easy button that I can think of.