View Full Version : Ambiguous rooms

Andre Baros
2003-12-10, 03:51 PM
I for one am glad that when you delete a room tag from the plan you don't screw up the shedule... I have bunch of room that have a lot of extra information added to them (room finishes, notes, use, etc) which are moving from one floor to another. I simply delete them on one floor and add them on another and voila... I keep my data. What the point of parametric data if you have to re-enter things.

I the mean time, until we have purple lines telling us where a room has a leak, how do you deal with a room that has four walls around it but still turns up as ambiguous. Any work around for finding the offending wall. BTW all 4 walls are room bounding.


PS. Please explain how the purple lines would tell you where a leak is...

2003-12-10, 04:41 PM
First try deleting that room tag and place a new one, if the problem still exists, then I would try "pulling apart" some wall joins, click on a wall and drag its end away from the walls its joining too. to help with this you may want thin line mode selected so you can see if any wall join isn't clean. If you find a corner that just won't clean, then use a room separation line diagnolly across the corner to close the gap. worst comes to worst you can make a room separation box around your room tag and then move it out until its very close to the walls.

2003-12-10, 06:39 PM
FYI, if you have been shifting things around and created a room that no longer has a boundary, it will report ambiguous.

Example: View: Level 1 has four rooms, then for some reason you duplicate with detailing. Then in View: Level 1 you delete the boundary between 3 and 4 and delete the tag for room 4. (you get error messages about duplicate tags etc throughout this process) Now go to View: Level 1 copy and you still have room tags for room 3 and 4. If you delete the tag for room 4 and then look at the room schedule you'll see an ambiguous area value for room 4 since it has no boundary anymore.

Not what you describe but it can cause some confusion at the schedule.

Andre Baros
2003-12-10, 06:58 PM
1. I deleted my room tags on the first floor, assuming I could put them back it but I can't. When I insert new tags and try to name them for the tags that are on the schedule but not on the drawing, it doesn't work. Is there a way to put tag a room to reflect a room on the schedule?

2. The problem with my room which had an ambiguous boundry was actually a different room. There was a common wall which divided that room from another. When I closed the room on the left side of the wall, the room on the right side became ambiguous. If I "opened up" the room on the left so that it was ambiguous, the room on the right worked. Revit allowed me to fix this problem by deleting the room on the left... I didn't need it anyway.

3. It's fortunate that you can draw so fast in Revit, since you have to redraw things over so often.

2003-12-10, 07:01 PM
Is this room on a different level by any chance? (a split level condition)...

Usually, you can select an existing room name (that hasn't been used yet) from the pull down on the options bar when you start the Room Tag command.

Andre Baros
2003-12-10, 07:15 PM
Room tag insert: Got it... I had failed to delete the room from an earlier failed attempt and had two of the same room in the scedule... now it works the way I was so sure it should. Thanks.

Ambiguous room: I think the problem is that the wall is an exterior wall which slides into the building.

The project I'm working on went in like a snap and helped me a great deal in making the case for switching the whole office to Revit... but I'm getting scared now that the budget came back and we're making sweeping changes. I'm getting trapped by all the relationships between linked objects which made the first round go so much faster and which helped for all the little changes. Oh well, still pretty good for my first project.

2003-12-10, 08:05 PM
W also have had the problem of ambiguious rooms when making changes to the model. (Who hasn't) We have managed it as follows:

1. Make any wall/door boundry changes ignore the room warnngs.
2. Re-arrainge the tags to fall inside their respective rooms.
3. Look for any that will not engage.
4. Check for open intersections walls that don't go to the floor (this is aggravating but watch for it)
5. Finally go to the room schedule and delete the room.
6. Insert a new tag in the space.

This method usually works and only takes a short amount of time. We usually only get 1 or 2 bad rooms when moving stuff aroud.

Also I noted that room boundries can continue to exist without any walls to define them. Then the only way to delete them is through the schedule.

One of my wish list items is to have room boundries show their boundry when requested so they can be selected deleted. Similar to ceilings and roofs which seem to operate on a similar principal.


2003-12-10, 08:08 PM
An additional thought for your fine list, I usually "manage" rooms from the schedule before making changes.

For instance, if I know several rooms are going away I delete them at the schedule because Revit also removes all room tags at the same time.

Scott D Davis
2003-12-10, 09:11 PM
I like the idea of having the room tag highlight the boundary. I know it does (kind of) now, but I think it should highlight like a sketch line of any other object. Revit has the Area Tag that you must place in an Area Plan, but it would be nice if this same style tool worked for the room tags.

Additionally, for any sketch boundary, whether it is the room tag area boundary, or a sketch boundary for a roof, floor, etc., the dialog box that pops up and warns "Sketch Boundary is not closed" should include an option to close it for us!

Andre Baros
2003-12-18, 02:34 PM
I've found that for several of my room tag issues the best thing to do was keep going and the problems were resolved by fixing unrelated problems. For example, room A is drawn correctly but Revit doesn't recognize this... I draw a new wall around room B... and Revit is suddenly fine with room A.

This only seams to occur when I am making major changes and there are lots of open rooms in play... as I close them all up some take longer to register as fixed.