View Full Version : 2019 Project parameters keeps duplicating

2019-09-10, 03:01 AM
Hi all

A programmer at our firm created an add-in for us that generates slabs from existing rooms. It works quite nicely but there's one problem.
There are multiple project parameters (let's call this "slab #") with the same name. (not shared parameters)

Did some experiment ant it seems that the parameter duplicates every time a different user runs the add-in command.
So let's say there are 5 people in total working on the project and when the first person runs the add-in for the first time, the project parameter "slab #" gets added to the project. But then when the 2nd person runs the add-in, another project parameter called "slab #" gets added, and so on.

The parameter in question gets added to "identity info" as an instance parameter for the slab category.

Any suggestions?
Any help would be greatly appreciated.


2019-09-10, 05:12 PM
If your add-in creates a new parameter as part of its scope without first checking for the parameters existence then that might explain it. Adding a project parameter to the floor category once is sufficient for associating it with all the floor slabs. Remove the parameter creation step from the add-in.

2019-09-11, 12:48 AM
Hi Steve

Thanks always for your input.
I will suggest removing the parameter creation step from the addin to the programmer and let you know how it goes.
Thanks again.