View Full Version : 2018 Linked Revit rvt file into multiple Revit host projects

2019-10-29, 05:03 PM
I have linked a single Revit file into a project for multiple locations like a medical campus or office park. What is the issue now is a single Revit project file linked into multiple Revit projects (host project type files). I get an error message when I try to do that. So, is that a limitation of Revit - only one host per linked file?

Does anyone know? If there is a switch or approach I should engage I would like to know. One thing I did not test was making the file "shared". I have always thought that was for shared coordinates.

If you have been able to workaround this issue I am interested! BTW ... it does not seem to be limited to 2018. I see the same issue with 2019 and 2020.



Kimberly Fuhrman
2019-10-29, 06:59 PM
What is the error message that you get? I have not come across this issue. We link projects into multiple other projects all the time (i.e. the architectural model is linked into the structural model and the MEP model(s), and vice versa). Try setting the Reference Type to Overlay.

2019-10-29, 08:15 PM
the message I get is the linked file cannot be loaded because it is loaded into another program. checking that does not seem to be the case. and the links are set to overlay. I recall linking a file into several projects with no issue. so I thought maybe this was something new.


2019-10-31, 04:32 PM
If you have the other models open, it won't work.
You can copy a link multiple times into the same model.
I'd also make sure you don't have that file linked in and set to attached vs overlay in any of the other models.

2020-12-12, 11:12 AM
See the attached blog by Marcin Klocek