View Full Version : Site Model

2005-04-08, 04:01 PM
I have a project of 5 large custom homes.. :-) Problem - The Engineer has sent me the entire subdivision with the topo on the 5 sites. The builder/developer wants to see all 5 homes & how they will relate to one another when all of the designs are complete. (ah I LOVE Revit!!!)

I would like to isolate one site at a time. I started one of the designs by importing the site data... and cropped it down with crop region. Site data & topo works great thanks to Luigi...

But I have lost the levels somewhere in the development. I found the post to correct this by using a scope but everything seems to be screwed up being so large & I don't need all od that data.

Whats the best way to set this up?

I have Autocad if this would help...but must admit after using Revit I don't even want to go there... & I think I have totally forgotten how to use it. (Revit has spoiled me)

Any Ideas would be appreciated


2005-04-08, 04:59 PM
Are you creating the site as a separate (Revit) project and then linking it to one of the house designs?

2005-04-08, 05:57 PM
No actually I was designing on the site itself. Sites are irregular with a lot of slope & trees we need to save.


2005-04-08, 06:14 PM
I would create a seperate project that linked the individual homes on one site. You can still use a portion of the site around each individual home for context.

AndrewG says it better below.

2005-04-08, 06:19 PM
One way:

If I understand you correctly, I'd model the whole subdivision as one site project, doing the topo, building pads, property lines, etc. When you begin, set the elevation of level 1 to match a convenient benchmark of your topo data. You'll have that level, and then maybe a level for each 1st fl house elevation.

Then if you want a portion of the above site for each house, link the site drawing into each house project, and crop it down to what you need.

For the master plan, link the house projects into the site plan.


2005-04-08, 10:23 PM
I´ve come to the same conclusion, since linked models are limited in visibility options.

2005-04-11, 02:51 PM
Thanks! this is the first time I have had a tough site to deal with multiple projects. Being that most everything here is flat.

Your directions has proved to be most useful!

Thanks again