View Full Version : 2019 Project Coordinates shifted after project has already started

2020-02-07, 05:36 PM

I work in architectural lighting and the company has recently moved into Revit. We are consultants on a project and are expected to deliver a model and sheets for a progress issue by next week...And the architect just set up the Shared Coordinates yesterday. The model is now 300 FT south of where it used to be (prior to this we were linking their model in Origin to Origin, per their instructions). We already have views set up and a lot of our work modeled and annotated.

Shifting the lighting fixtures isn't the end of the world, but what about the views and annotations? Is there an easy way to shift all view crop regions and annotations 300 FT south? Either directly in Revit or via a plug-in?

Not to mention removing and re-loading the model by Shared Coordinates breaks our Monitoring of the levels that we've Copy/Monitored into our model.

How do you deal with coordinates being shifted AFTER the project has already been set up and work has been done?

Thanks for any help.

2020-02-10, 05:23 PM
When your model was linked using origin to origin it was correct assuming you created your elements "inside" their building. When they set up shared coordinates you needed to use Acquire Coordinates to adjust your model's shared coordinates to match theirs. The model's remain aligned. To differentiate between the project and survey you choose which during export to Navisworks or DWG. If you removed your model and linked it again using By Shared Coordinates then you did that "too soon"... Revit should have told you it wasn't sharing coordinates. If you used Acquire Coordinates and removed and linked again...there was no need to do that.