View Full Version : 2020 Is perpetual licence now cancelled?

2020-04-08, 11:35 AM
I hope you can assist.
I have Revit 18 working but didnt install Revit 19 until recently due to needing Revit 17 for an ongoing project for which I needed to save in version R17!

Revit 19 didnt install properly with 'Home Button on QAT not there and Ctrl D not working. Also align sections fails to act as per the 'Whats New' menu description.

Autodesk support requested log files but just deleted these without reading!!!!

If I install BDSP 20 will this kill my perpetual licence as my supplier suggests? He says each version must be installed and working for the next to work?

My renewal date is 26 April but I am told Autodesk have brought it forward to 16 April.:cry::?:

Because of my renewal date the only maintenance support I seem to get is the next version just before renewal.

I bought a perpetual licence for BDSP in 2010 and have paid for maintenance plan each year.

I should receive BDSP 21 but it seems Autodesk are not releasing it!

I hope fellow users who have installed R19, R20, (and R21 if it exists) can tell me if their perpetual licence for this and earlier versions has been killed by the install?

Many Thanks, I look forward to your replies.


2020-04-10, 09:03 AM
In case any one is interested the issue with Revit 19 was that the version installed with BDSP 19 did not have Home Button on QAT or Ctrl D option, or align sections included despite what the 'Whats new says'.

I had to seperately install Revit 2019.2.2 Hotfix which is hidden under updates on the Autodesk App.

As these are not initially displayed, just the BDSP packages shown, I wrongly assumed that the BDSP 19 install would be uptodate by now.

I am a little surprised that after so many views no one would appear to have experienced the flaws in the original REVIT 19 release!
Does this mean no one used revit 19 from the 1st release!

If any one knows the answer regarding continuing use of perpetual license with Revit 20 I would be keen to hear what you know!



2020-04-21, 04:19 PM
Hi Robin,

We've received an email from Autodesk a few weeks ago that our BDSP 2021 will be the last version that they will release for perpetual customers. Our renewal date is later in the year and we won't be upgrading to subscription. We'll just freeze all our work on Revit 2021. We are lucky that none of our clients ever asked us for BIM, it's just something that we wanted to do in our office (since Revit 6.1). In all those years we've only done one job in true collaboration with another consultant, so exchange of data hasn’t really been a problem for us (well, it has in that we've had to manually add the Stru Steel, and that'll be the same moving forward, but we won't have clients / other consultants screaming that we must have Revit 2022, 2023...).

We jumped ship many years ago and went to Revit. I wonder what the next great leap will be?