View Full Version : 2019 control loading of linked model(s)

Ning Zhou
2020-04-27, 07:53 AM
seems no way to control loading of linked model(s), isn't it?
for instance, if i opened MEP model and take ownership of linked ARC model workset say _link_RVT_ARC, sync w/o relinguish that _link_RVT_ARC, then i made some changes in that ARC model, sync it, this WON'T prevent other users from automatically reloading updated ARC model when he/she open MEP model.
is there a way (manually or Dynamo/API) to prevent user(s) from automatically loading most updated linked model(s)? thanks

2020-04-27, 04:33 PM
When you open a central file you're going to load the most current version of the link that it's pointing to.
So the work around, if you don't want to load the most current would be to create a stand alone copy that isn't being modified and point to that.
If you're working on 360, this would be following the Publish, Share and Consume option.
Hope this helps.

Ning Zhou
2020-04-28, 01:05 AM
thanks Dave for the clarification, that confirms my testing.