View Full Version : Is it me, my computer or an Accurender bug?

2005-04-09, 04:41 AM
It seems that 50% of the time Revit freezes when I attempt to select a material in Accurender. I end up having to ctr/alt/delete to bring up the Task Manager then shut down Revit. This does actually happen approximately 50% of the time.

I'm running on a Dell Inspiron 8500 laptop, without OpenGL, but in the process of selecting/ordering a new one.

2005-04-09, 06:50 AM
This was a problem for some folks some time ago, but I haven't heard of it happening in a while.

SEE THREAD. (http://forums.augi.com/showthread.php?t=1799)

2005-04-09, 07:02 AM

I have same problem, when I want close "materials' mwnu with OK or CLOSE, revit freez. I have this since version 5.1, with different PC. I didn't find some rule when it happens.

2005-04-09, 12:57 PM
Gotta agree, it happens to me couple times even though i got great hardware

2005-04-09, 01:00 PM
I made the mistake of hitting the Accurender materials button recently and rediscoved (only) one of the reasons I think it is a piece of *&^%. (Yes, it froze Revit).

2005-04-09, 02:56 PM
Hi Rookwood,

This bug has existed, and continued to flourish. I have commented on it regularly since I purchased Revit at v4.5. There has not been any responses, no acknowledgements, no fixes. I add and modify materials regularly and often in Accurender, the freeze occurs about every 3rd to 5th close of the materials dialogue, always, without fail.

I suggest you buy a squeezy stress ball, save after every click when selecting materials, go veeery slow with clicking anything in the materials dialogue and prepare to restart Revit often..........

It is not you or your computer, it is an Accurender bug. Note it is an Accurender bug, not a Revit bug, therefore probably the reason for no acknowledgement from the factory. Personally, I feel that the bug detracts from Revit, but hey, thats only my opinion.

Follow the suggestions above, use Accurender often and learn it well, it, is worth it. Just dont bother seeking a fix, it wont happen.

Your pain is shared.


2005-04-09, 03:26 PM
Well, how lousy is that! The factory (or maybe the big A, itself) should contact Accurender and fix the bug. Or, they should find another rendering engine. It has been my experience that the guys at the factory do not tolerate bugs.

Since 4.5?!!?!!?!! FREEZES?!!?!!?!! If true, this is unacceptable. I am just starting to get into Accurender and I'm having second thoughts.

Hey Factory, what about an explaination?

Les Therrien
2005-04-09, 03:36 PM
This thread has come up before.
I had posted a strange fix that seems to work for me. Don't ask me how or why it works. I just seems to do the trick for me. When I forget to do what I am about to tell you, I ofter get the freeze!

...after selecting the material and you go to select the OK button to close the window, you must select the button quickly. When ever I select the button and hold the mouse button down for too long... FREEZE. If I hit that button quickly without holding the mouse button down for too long. It's OK.

I also find that if you change too may materials at one time before applying the materials then this is also a problem.
I usually change a material. Close the window and save. Then I change another material. and repeat the process.
This is a pain in the cheek flaps but it's quicker than killing Revit through the task manager and reloading the Revit program.

I haven't set up REVIT 7.0 just yet, so I am not aware if this problem still exist.

2005-04-09, 04:05 PM
Revisited again- Remember as Marty says - be patient. Multiple clicks to see if you did indeed hit the save or ok is a killer, and realize this is a known issue.

As far as reporting to Mcneel - you must remember that the INSERTED software is really a software engine - that the factory must work with. While I would think that McNeel has not abandoned the factory guys working with Revit, I would think the agreement would be something like a SDK (software development kit), and to a large degree, there would be so many ways to modify the engine that McNeel might not be able to help. I think on many occasions the threads seem to indicate that McNeel has done nothing but cooperate with the factory. Why - I don't know - especially in light of the new owners of Revit and their competing rendering software packages to Accurender.

2005-04-09, 04:40 PM
On V7, and knock, knock on wood, or other simulated wood, have not had this problem on any of our four machines in the last year.

2005-06-08, 07:54 AM
Note - It appears that this has been fixed (http://forums.augi.com/showthread.php?p=132754#post132754)in RB 8.