View Full Version : 2019 BACK UP FILES

2020-07-10, 02:12 PM
Well I really messed up yesterday. I ended up saving a file from 2019 to 2020 and I did not mean to do that. I am trying to find the back up files so I can get it back. Can anyone lead me in the right direction please?

2020-07-13, 01:17 PM
Well, you might be able to find an older version in your where you're local files were if it was a workshared modeled.
If it's not workshared, you might be out of luck, unless you have a nightly backup.
When you opened the model in 2020, you should have gotten that big warning dialog box that says something like "You're about to upgrade to a 2020 version"
You can't really go back and I don't know that any of the back up files are going to be helpful.
Might want to contact Autodesk Direct about that one. I was told a while ago that while Autodesk says you can't go backwards, apparently you can, it'll just cost you a small fortune.

Parker Chris
2020-07-15, 03:03 AM
At revit everything is bad with backups. If it is a local file - look for files: .0001.rvt .0002.rvt, etc. (but it rarely helps :()
I can advise you for future plugin: https://apps.autodesk.com/ACD/en/Detail/Index?id=4970299609340791742&os=Win64&appLang=en